Sunday, December 11, 2011


So, created this blog as a sort of journal.. just as something to keep track of my latest attempt to make a video game.  I wanted to be able to look back and see my thoughts as things went along.  I've tried dozens of times to make a video game, and I think I've got the brains to do it, I just don't have the willpower, perseverance, ... whatever.

I've already started working on the game, and immediately I've fallen into one of my classic traps.  I picked something simple to do, because I knew I should pick something simple if there was any chance of me finishing it.  But.. then I immediately made it complicated.

So, I decided to make a Roguelike game.  They're fun to play, although I haven't played one in ages.  Rogue, on an actual Altair, was one of the first video games I ever played.  This was back in the... early 80s.. probably.  I dunno, I was a kid, so, hadn't really started keeping track of dates.

Interesting.. That last paragraph is a good example of how I take something seemingly simple and somehow decide it needs to be more complicated.

So yeah, decided to do a roguelike.  Simple enough.  Good points, from an actually finishing something standpoint, are: no graphics other than text, no animation, no sound, no physics, no FPS (it's turn based) so your loops can take a lot longer, and... yeah.

So then I decide, I should give it graphics, at least.  Not animated of course, that would be crazy.  I like doing pixel art, though it seems like everyone is doing that lately.  Especially with dungeon crawl type games.  I'm thinking right now of either doing 64x64 sprites in a 1280x1024 screen (grid would be 20x16) or maybe 32x32 on a 1024x768 screen (32x24 grid)

Alright, have to stop typing now.  My 6yo son is guilt tripping me into playing battleship with him.

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