Tuesday, December 13, 2011

meta entity.. possible misuse of the word meta...

Alright, form thingy done, dead code pruned.  Now I only have two aspects, goal and form.  To be added will be things like container, and health, and other stuffs..

So.. I want to have an aspect that designates who is controlling the entity.  The idea being that the player might at some point be in control of a monster, or something.  Plus the AI systems would have lists of who they were controlling.

Well, I guess that answers my question.. sort of.. maybe it's more of a trailhead than a finish line.  Anyway, the problem is, if the player entity needs the id of the controlling entity, would it be itself?  Or can I assign an entity id to someone sitting at home playing this game on their computer?  I think the answer will come when I decide how the AI system will work.  I'm assuming it will be sending a stream of goals for the action system to chew on, just like the player input system does.  So, however I decide to identify the AIs of the game will be the same way I identify the player.

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